
No holiday in Scotland would be complete without a walk to enjoy our scenery and wildlife. You can do it all from Dornoch – woodland walks, hill walking or a stroll along our beautiful beaches each one building lasting memories you’ll treasure.

12 match your search

Camore Woods

Distance: 1 mile, Time:  0.5  hour, Grade: Flat, easy walking on roads and pathways

Suitable for: Children and dogs Starting point: Camore Wood Car Park Description: (By car from town centre head out towards the War Memorial and turn left at the Church Hall (signposted…


Cuthill Links

Distance: 2 miles, Time: 1 hour, Grade: Flat easy walking, stones underfoot once on the beach

Suitable for: Children and dogs Starting point: Cuthill (Limited car parking) Description: This walk starts from Cuthill, about 3 miles outside Dornoch. The path leads from the road, past fields…


Tain Hill

Distance: 1 mile, Time: 3/4 hour, Grade: Some steep gradients on waymarked forest paths

Suitable for: Children and dogs Picnic tables: Yes Starting point: Tain Hill Forest Car Park, Quarry Road Description: Head to Tain on A9 and follow the bypass until you see…


Embo via the old Railway line

Distance: 5.25 miles, Time: 2.5-3.5 hours, Grade: Flat, easy walking on roads, beach and pathways

Suitable for: Older children and dogs Starting point: Cathedral Green Description: This lovely circular walk from Dornoch to Embo and back takes in many different landscapes. During this walk you…


Bonar Bridge Area Walks

Balblair Forest, just west of Bonar Bridge, is an easy forestry walk taking an hour to an hour and a quarter. The car park is well signposted and is adjacent…


Skelbo Woods

Distance: 1.5 miles, Time: 1 hour, Grade: Some steep gradients on waymarked forest paths.

Suitable for: Children and dogs Starting point: Skelbo Forestry Commission car park, Skelbo Street Features: Children's Scultpure Trail By car from the town centre, go west along Caste Street, turn right…


Dornoch Point

Distance: 4 miles, Time: 2.5 hours, Grade: Flat walking on grass and sand dunes. Sturdy waterproof boots required as ground is uneven and wet in places.

Suitable for: Older children and dogs (on leads in bird breeding season) Starting point: Cathedral Green An excellent coastal walk with good opportunities to spot seabirds and seals. From the Point…


Dornoch Town Centre to Beach

Distance: 1.25 miles, Time: 30 minutes, Grade: Flat, easy walking on pavements and quiet roads

Suitable for: Children, dogs and wheelchairs Picnic tables: At beach car park Starting point: Cathedral Green A leisurely stroll which takes you out of the town centre and past the…


John O’Groats Trail

The John O'Groats Trail runs from Inverness to John O'Groats in 14 stages. The Square in Dornoch is at the junction of Stages 4 & 5. Stage 4 is Tain to Dornoch…


Dornoch Links & Embo

Distance: 5.25 miles, Time:  2.5 - 3.5 hours, Grade: Flat, easy walking on roads and pathways

Suitable for: Children and dogs Starting point: Cathedral Green Description: This lovely circular walk from Dornoch to Embo and back takes in many different landscapes. During this walk you will…
